Choose Your Bouquet

We offer three bouquet options each thoughtfully designed to bring joy to your space. Choose your arrangement and select a weekly, biweekly, or monthly delivery schedule. Each week of your delivery, we select your flowers from our local floral partners and design a gorgeous bouquet for you to enjoy.

Your bouquet will arrive wrapped in damp eco-friendly floral paper and brown craft paper and accompanied by a card noting the floral varieties used in that week’s arrangement. We deliver flower subscription orders on Thursdays, and we text to let you know when your beautiful blooms are waiting outside your door.

Wren Bouquet

This charming bouquet features 8-10 sprightly seasonal blooms accented with textural sprigs and lush greenery arranged to showcase each piece’s natural beauty.

Robin Bouquet

This perfectly balanced bouquet features 12-15 colorful blooms crowned with textural sprigs and lush greenery arranged to delight your eye from any vantage point.

Cardinal Bouquet

This statement bouquet highlights 16-20 flourishing seasonal blooms complemented by textural accents and lush greenery arranged to captivate your attention and enchant your senses.

New subscription orders must be placed before Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. to be added to the current week’s delivery schedule.

Make Someone’s Day

It’s no secret that flowers make amazing gifts! You can gift any of our three signature bouquets as a one-time delivery within Knox County. We kindly ask for a 48-hour notice for all one-time flower deliveries, and we deliver Tuesday-Saturday.

Recycle Your Packaging

We take great care not only in the quality of our flowers but also in the quality and sustainability of our packaging. We use eco-friendly damp wraps and craft paper to keep your flowers fresh while they wait to be transferred into their vase. When you place your flower order, we offer the option to add a reusable vase to your delivery. When we deliver your flowers in a vase, we do not use materials such as foam or wire to arrange your bouquet. Instead, we design our arrangements to have a more natural aesthetic using only our creativity, water, and a vase.

Help Your Flowers Live Longer

Your flowers will be as fresh as possible when we deliver them to your door, but flowers are perishable and should be treated with care. Here are a few tips to keep flowers looking their best.

Once You Receive Your Bouquet

Cut stems at an angle when trimming to fit in your vase.

Add flower food and cool water to your vase before inserting your flowers.

While Enjoying Your Bouquet

Keep arrangements out of direct heat and sunlight.

Trim, remove spent blooms and add fresh water as needed.

Questions Sprouting in Your Mind?

Here are a few common questions we’ve heard from customers. If you have additional questions about our floral services, please contact us and let us know how we can help!

When is the cut-off to order flowers this week?

All flower delivery orders must be placed by 11:59 Tuesday evening for delivery the following Thursday.

Will my bouquets look different each week?

We do our best to change the design and flower varieties used in your bouquet each week, but some overlap should be expected since we use seasonal East Tennessee grown flowers whenever possible.

Can I schedule a timed delivery?

To make sure we deliver our bouquets on time to all of our wonderful customers, we are unable to schedule subscription deliveries for a set time.

Can I customize my bouquet?

Since we work with seasonal flowers from local flower farms, our bouquets are at the discretion of our talented florist and cannot be further customized.

How do I skip or stop my flower deliveries?

You can manage your flower subscription in your customer account. If you have any questions or issues with your account, please contact us at

What happens if my flowers cannot be delivered due to inclement weather?

If the roads are unsafe due to inclement weather, we will reschedule your flower delivery for the next available day.

Headed Away for a Few Days?

You can reschedule, pause or stop your flower deliveries from your Buzzz Flowers customer account. Changes to your flower subscription must be made five days prior to your next delivery. If you have any questions about changing your subscription plan, please contact us at

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