Gift Subscriptions

Choose Your Bouquet

We offer three bouquet options each thoughtfully designed to bring joy to your space. Choose your arrangement and select a weekly, biweekly, or monthly delivery schedule. Each week of your delivery, we select your flowers from our local floral partners and design a gorgeous bouquet for you to enjoy.

Your bouquet will arrive wrapped in damp eco-friendly floral paper and brown craft paper and accompanied by a card noting the floral varieties used in that week’s arrangement. We deliver flower subscription orders on Thursdays, and we text to let you know when your beautiful blooms are waiting outside your door.

Wren Bouquet

This charming bouquet features 8-10 sprightly seasonal blooms accented with textural sprigs and lush greenery arranged to showcase each piece’s natural beauty.

Robin Bouquet

This perfectly balanced bouquet features 12-15 colorful blooms crowned with textural sprigs and lush greenery arranged to delight your eye from any vantage point.

Cardinal Bouquet

This statement bouquet highlights 16-20 flourishing seasonal blooms complemented by textural accents and lush greenery arranged to captivate your attention and enchant your senses.

New subscription orders must be placed before Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. to be added to the current week’s delivery schedule.