The Cardinal Bouquet
The Cardinal Bouquet is our statement floral composition that includes 16-20 fresh and seasonal blooms complemented by the perfect elemental greenery and texture. The Cardinal Bouquet commands attention and looks stunning from every vantage point. This bouquet is designed in a whimsical style that captures virtue, romance, and balance. It is the perfect choice to display in a large room or workspace or for special occasions.
Your bouquet will arrive at your doorstep wrapped in recyclable brown paper and ready to be displayed in your favorite vase. We will text you when we deliver your bouquet, so you know when your bouquet is waiting at your doorstep.
How to Order
Choose a subscription plan for your preferred bouquet. You can choose weekly, biweekly, or monthly delivery frequency. Once you have made these selections, you will be prompted to create your customer account. Your account will be billed automatically prior to each recurring delivery, and your flowers will arrive at your chosen frequency. Your flowers will be delivered on Thursdays, but slight schedule changes may occur depending on the sourcing of the fresh flowers. We are unable to accommodate weekend deliveries at this time.
After you’ve completed your subscription order, we will send you an email confirmation with details including your first delivery date. There are no contracts or commitments involved, and you may reschedule or pause deliveries within your customer account up to 5 days prior to your next delivery. If you have any questions, please send us a message and we will promptly respond.
At this time, Buzzz delivers to homes and offices in Knoxville, TN. If you are outside of our delivery area and would love for us to bring delight to your doorstep, feel free to drop us a note with your address, and we’ll let you know when we’ll be delivering to your area.